Monday, February 5, 2007

Austin Marathon - 13 days to go

Reality check: ok, so I ran 15 miles yesterday at a good clip and felt really good about it. This morning when I woke up, my left shin felt like it had been hit with a hammer. I looked down and it had a mouth, and it spoke these words to me, "You are nuts if you think you are going to RUN fast for a full marathon in less than 2 weeks. I'll be happy to jog, walk, stroll along with you for the distance, but if you push me any harder than that, I'm quitting." So as I sit here at about 10:30 a.m. on Monday, I'm abandoning the 3:30 goal and will just do the marathon in whatever time it takes me. I did this in 2004 at the Houston Marathon when I had a severe groin pull, and it actually ended up being probably the most fun I ever had in a marathon. I jogged, walked, stopped and talked to people, did everything I would never get a chance to do if I were focused on running a specific time the whole way.


Jason The Running Man said...

Great Post. Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

I have not trained for the Austin Marathon but i am going to take that approach going into that weekend. I think it will help me get on track..

Thanks for the comments on my blog..

Good Luck!


Bart said...

hi Robert, I added a link to your blog and will pass info on your site to others.

Keep up the good work !

greetz, Bart

The Un-Runner said...

Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm sorry about your mom - especially before your first marathon. You must have run every step for her!

Laurel said...

You're smart to listen so closely to your body. I'm sure the race will be fantastic no matter what time you do it in.
Good luck!