Thursday, March 1, 2007

25 New Youth in the PR10K Program in 1 Day!

Yesterday I was asked to come out and observe a training program at a middle school in an underserved area to discuss ways to get involved in either directly or indirectly coaching some of these kids starting in the fall. They presently have about 25 youth who walk/run after school 4 days a week, and all of them either did the recent half-marathon here in Houston, or the 5K that was run in conjunction with it and the marathon. As I was talking to one of the coaches, I mentioned the PR10K (Promote Running for 10,000 Kids) program on the main Faithful Soles web site that we are promoting all over the U.S. and will be expanding into other countries, and asked how many of the young people in the program would fit the criteria we set out for a youth membership on our site through PR10K, and he basically said, "All of them." So today, he is emailing me the information with all of these kids names and we are setting each of them up in PR10K. Based on some other discussions, there is also the potential for a very cool new program that Faithful Soles might launch as part of PR10K, and I'm dying to tell you what it is, but at the moment I am still working on the logistics. Stay tuned...


Michael said...

The children will be very excited no doubt, excellent work!

Anonymous said...

Great news for the children

Unknown said...


Deb said...

Sounds exciting. Have fun!